
The mission of the Boston Terrier Club of Maryland is to protect, preserve and improve the Boston Terrier breed now and for the future, as individual dogs and the entire breed.  Individuals in the club should put the welfare of the breed above individual interests and gains. Compliance to these goals must be brought about through communication and education, and needs to be an on-going process.


Our meetings are held once a month in Baltimore, MD, please email hoveykm@gmail.com for additional information, if you would like to attend. We also offer call-in options for any members who are not able to attend the meeting, but are still interested in being an active member.  When we are not planning our specialty, we offer programs for members.  Past programs include T-touch, Boston terrier behaviors, vaccination protocols, etc.


We welcome new members!  If you have the love for Boston Terriers, join us!

You will need to be sponsored by a current member who is in good standing.  If you do not have a sponsor, please come visit us at our meeting or at one of our event and come talk to us!  We enjoy meeting boston terrier lovers.

You will be asked to sign the Boston Terrier Club of America's Code of Ethics.  Our annual fee is $20.

Download the application.   BTCMDApplication.doc (Microsoft Word) | BTCMDApplication.pdf (Adobe Reader)

Point of contact for membership questions/concerns:  Gayle Nelson - gnelson2810@gmail.com. We welcome new members!  If you have the love for Boston Terriers, please let us know!